Pantry Moths Can Be Very Tricky To Deal With In Anaheim

Indian meal moth crawling on flour

Pantry moths, also known as Indian meal moths, are among the many moth species that infest foodstuff. They mainly feed on grains such as cornmeal, seeds, oats, wheat, and other foods derived from grains. Not only that, but these insects are also notorious for infesting packages of bird seed, pet foods, chocolate, crackers, herbs, roots, spices, and nuts, among others. Professional pest control in Anaheim includes the elimination of these pests.

In this guide, you will learn how pantry moths look, how they get into your home and how to get rid of Indian meal moths.

What Do Pantry Moths Look Like?

Pantry moths are meal moths found mainly in the U.S. They are winged and have tan, brown, and gray hues. While you can confuse them with cloth moths, they have unique features you can use to differentiate them from other moths. They have a wingspan of about 0.6 inches and are smaller than cloth moths. They have pale gray wings, while the outer wings are reddish brown, and a black band connects the lower and upper wings.

Another way to identify these moths is that they love stored foods more than other moths, so you are likely to find them in places such as:

  • Food processing companies
  • Food-selling stores
  • Kitchens
  • Home food stores

These pantry pests are very destructive and can damage large amounts of food in a short time. 

Are Pantry Moths In My House Harmful To My Health?

Pantry moths aren't harmful to pets and humans but damage foodstuff. They don't sting or bite people but mainly contaminate food with their webbing and feces. When you notice that these insects have contaminated your food, you can throw them away.

These moths also encourage mold growth, which may attract bacteria and other pathogens. Since they like attacking foods, you may eat pantry pest larvae, eggs, or even adult moths without knowing. While this may not harm your health, the thought about it is understandably unsettling. 

How Did Bugs Find Their Way Into My Cupboards?

Are you wondering how pantry pests get into food and your cupboards? Pantry moths are tiny insects that can pass through small holes or open windows and doors. The first entry point is the foods you buy from stores. If you don't examine these foods well, you may carry moths from the store to your cupboard.

Sometimes they can come in the form of eggs and then hatch in your cupboard. Another way these insects can enter your house is when the adults fly in. This may happen if you have a neighbor with a pantry pest infestation or if you are living in an environment that attracts these moths. 

How Do I Get Rid Of Pantry Moths In My Kitchen?

When you notice pantry pests in your kitchen, please don't attempt to kill them on your own/ most pantry pest control products are very harmful to humans and the environment. Products such as pantry pest repellent, pantry pest spray, or pantry pest trap may not be effective. The best way to deal with pantry moths is to call a professional pest control company.

Once the moths are exterminated, you can use the steps below to ensure they don't come back:

  1. Store foodstuff in sealed containers. Do the same for pet foods
  2. Seal cracks and crevices around ceilings, walls, foundations, and appliances.
  3. Empty pantries and cabinets regularly.

If your house is infested with pantry moths, call A-1 Bonded Termite immediately. We'll send technicians to assess the situation and devise the most effective home pest control plan to eliminate them. Call us now.